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- Satania´s EmpowermentsAdditional Boosting Practice for the Beauty of the Goddess Ritual After completing the main ritual, this Boosting Practice will enhance and maintain the effects of your transformation, strengthening your connection to the goddesses and amplifying the energies of beauty, youth, and divine femininity. This practice combines sacred water consecration, energy work, and daily affirmations, aligning your body, mind, and spirit with the eternal blessings of the goddesses. Purpose: The purpose of this boosting practice is to maintain and further enhance the beauty, vitality, seductive power, and feminine energy gained from the main ritual. By performing this practice regularly, you will ensure that the goddesses' blessings continue to manifest and deepen in your life. Materials Needed: • A glass or crystal bowl (dedicated to this practice) • Clean, pure water (preferably spring or moon-charged water) • Fresh rose petals (representing beauty and love) • A small mirror • A pink, white, or silver candle (for beauty and grace) • Incense (rose, sandalwood, or jasmine for beauty and attraction) • Offerings (honey, milk, or fruit for the goddesses) • Steps for the Boosting Practice: 1. Sacred Water Consecration To amplify the effects of the main ritual, you will create and consecrate your own sacred water that can be used for bathing or anointing. • Timing: Perform this on the night of the full moon or new moon for maximum effect. • Procedure: • Place the bowl of pure water on your altar or a sacred space. • Add fresh rose petals to the water while focusing on your intentions: beauty, vitality, grace, and divine feminine power. • Light the candle and incense to create an atmosphere of reverence. • Stand before the bowl, invoking the goddesses (especially Hekate, Aphrodite, and Freyja) by speaking their names out loud and asking them to bless the water. • Say the following words or create your own: “Great Goddesses of Beauty, Youth, and Love, I call upon you to infuse this sacred water with your eternal grace. Bless me with the charm, beauty, and vitality of a goddess, So that I may radiate your essence in all I do. By the power of the moon and the eternal feminine, so it is done.” • Visualize divine light flowing from the moon, through you, and into the water, energizing it with the blessings of the goddesses. • Allow the bowl to sit under moonlight or candlelight for at least an hour. 2. Morning Anointing Ritual This practice is to be done every morning to refresh your connection to the goddesses and infuse your physical form with the sacred energies of beauty and youth. • Take the sacred water you created and use it to lightly anoint your face, neck, and hands (or any part of your body you wish to bless). As you do this, visualize the water infusing your skin with divine energy, making you radiant, youthful, and irresistibly beautiful. • Look into a small mirror and, while gazing into your reflection, repeat the following affirmation (or create your own): “I am the embodiment of eternal beauty, youth, and power. I radiate the charm and grace of the goddesses, My beauty shines with divine light, My energy is magnetic, powerful, and irresistible. So it is, in all realms and all times.” 3. Evening Beauty Meditation This is a nightly meditation to rejuvenate your energy, cleanse your aura, and strengthen your connection to the goddesses. • Before bed, light a pink, white, or silver candle and sit in a relaxed position. • Focus on your breath, inhaling deeply and exhaling any negative or stagnant energy. • Visualize yourself surrounded by a glowing pink or golden light, representing the love and blessings of the goddesses. • Call upon Hekate, Aphrodite, Freyja, and the other goddesses, thanking them for their continued presence in your life. • Imagine the light enveloping your body, rejuvenating your cells, and restoring your vitality and beauty as you sleep. • You may choose to recite: “As I rest, I am renewed. The goddesses’ love flows through me, Restoring my beauty, youth, and charm with every breath I take. I am eternally blessed.” 4. Monthly Lunar Bathing Ritual Each month, on the night of the full moon, perform this lunar bath to recharge your beauty and vitality with the lunar energies and the blessings of the goddesses. • Prepare a bath with warm water, adding your sacred water, rose petals, and a few drops of essential oils (such as rose, jasmine, or sandalwood). • Light candles and incense around your bath for a sacred ambiance. • As you enter the bath, say: • “Under this full moon, I bathe in the eternal light of the goddesses. I am cleansed, renewed, and filled with their divine energy. My beauty is eternal, my youth is everlasting, And I am the embodiment of their grace.” • Soak in the bath, visualizing the water absorbing any negative energy and leaving you refreshed, radiant, and glowing with divine light. • Additional Offerings: • Once a month, make a special offering to Hekate and the goddesses to express gratitude and continue receiving their blessings. Place honey, milk, or fruit on your altar, and offer it with sincere reverence. • You can also write prayers or love letters to the goddesses, expressing your dedication to your path and your eternal connection to them. Frequency: • Morning Anointing: Daily. • Evening Meditation: Nightly before bed. • Lunar Bathing Ritual: Once a month on the full moon. • Sacred Water Consecration: Monthly, with the new or full moon. By integrating this boosting practice into your daily and monthly routine, you will amplify the effects of the "Beauty of the Goddess" ritual, ensuring that your transformation into a radiant, eternally youthful being continues to evolve and deepen under the loving guidance of the goddesses.Like
- Satania´s Booster RitualsAmprodias´s Vampiric Exaltation Booster Ritual (Full Ritual): Ritual designed by: Master Falcifer. Ritual Goal: This ritual, complete, and powerful, is designed to confirm and maintain the multiple effects of the Satania´s ritual: "The Vampiric Exaltation". You can find the ritual HERE: The Vampiric Exaltation (w/Amprodias) Who is Amprodias?: Amprodias´s Vampiric Exaltation Booster Ritual (Full Ritual): This is a Vampiric ritual for vampiric powers, called the Ritual of the Blood Moon or Vampiric Bliss Ritual. The ritual is performed with Lord Amprodias and its main goal is the activation of vampiric powers. It can be used as a booster practice for the magick operation 'The Vampyric Exaltation (W/ Amprodias)' which is offered by Satania’s coven, but it can be performed as a standalone practice as well Perform this ritual at midnight under a full moon, preferably in an isolated location like a forest clearing, an abandoned building, or a darkened, candle-lit room. This ritual can be performed multiple times and is especially beneficial for adepts working in the vampiric currents to increase their powers, results, and establish a healthy relationship with Amprodias. For this ritual you will need at least two acolytes to assist and witness the ritual (plus the adept, that will be the one who is seeking the vampiric powers), the two additional participants can be incarnated adepts or spiritual participants such as spirit companions -make sure your companions are real spirits!- or Vampiric Clan members of your Vampiric clan. If you choose Vampiric Clan members, previously agree with them on an astral projection and evocation of them in your ritual space. For this, you will chant the secret magick words to call any vampire of your clan before beginning the rite. (If you do not know the mantra words or technique, go back and study this practice.) 1. The Tools and Materials you will need for this practice are: • A chalice filled with high-quality red wine (symbolizing blood). • A ceremonial dagger (athame). • Candles (preferably black, dark purple or red). • Incense (preferably dragon's blood, patchouli, frankincense, opium, or myrrh). • A sigil of Amprodias. • Sacred robe for the Adept. Preliminary Steps: 1. Create, Prepare, Open, and Charge a Seal for Amprodias: • The seal must contain His symbol and act as a nexus of His power. • The seal should not be burned but kept in secret inside the Cauldron, the Vessel, or your Book of Shadows when you do not want this influence to be active. • Do not show the seal to anyone, especially profanes. • The seal can be made of paper, clay, metal, wood, or any material you choose. In this case, it is preferred that the sigil is painted in luminous pale yellow on a background of emerald flecked with gold. • This step needs to be done only once, and the seal can be used many times until it is broken or old, and the symbol has blurred. In this case, you can bury or burn the seal respectfully and create a new one if needed. 2. Perform A Sacred Bath or Liubanaum: • If unfamiliar with this procedure, study the related articles or videos beforehand. 3. Sacred Clothes & Space: • Use your Sacred Clothes if you can or wear all black or all red robes. Another great option is to perform the rite completely naked in a quiet room with no Abrahamic or Islamic symbols or False Light idols of any kind. 4. Ritual Environment: • Avoid artificial light and electronic devices in the chamber or ritual space. • Burn incense with a fragrance you enjoy (dragon's blood, patchouli, frankincense, opium, or myrrh are excellent choices –for this practice). • Light red, dark purple or black candles for this practice. • Optionally, play low pulsation or windy/fuzzy/ghostly ambient musick if helpful. • Decorate the altar with dark red and black cloth, the candles, a chalice, and symbols of Amprodias (such as His sigil). Optional Magick Preliminaries Magick Ring: Cast the Infernal Circle if you like -this is optional for this practice. Take a moment to focus on the work you are about to perform, disconnecting from the noise of the ordinary world. (If you do not know the mantra words or technique, go back and study this practice.) Dark Energy Conjuration: Additionally, you can invoke Darkness -Infernal Dark Energy- into the ritual chamber for a moment. This practice will energize the whole room for the ritual. (If you do not know the mantra words or technique, go back and study this practice.) Optional Meditative Preliminaries Black Flame Meditation:This is a great meditation to activate your inner Black Flame and raise energies with the help of Azazel. (If you do not know the mantra words or technique, go back and study this practice.) Devil's Star Meditation: A good recommendation is to meditate on the mysteries of The Devil's Star (Satana) with a Sacral Sacred Tone; other frequencies can be added. Gaze at The Devil's Star sigil. (If you do not know the mantra words or technique, go back and study this practice.) Non-Optional Magick Preliminaries Now you will perform the Devilist Block, which is composed of: 1. The Devilist Kabbalistic Cross 2. The Ritual of Purification of Satania (Devilist Banishing) 3. The Devilist Kabbalistic Cross 4. The Devilist Middle Pillar 5. The Ritual of Purification of Satania (Devilist Banishing) 6. The Devilist Kabbalistic Cross If you do not know how to perform these magick procedures, please go back and study the related articles or video teachings related to these practices. The Bornless Ritual Now perform the Bornless Ritual. (If you do not know the magick words of this conjuration, go back and study this practice.) The Rite Of The Vampiric Bliss With Amprodias Now it's time for the ritual with Amprodias, perform with faith and intent. Practice: The Adept stands before the altar, facing Southeast (primary) or South with the acolytes forming a circle around it. Chant together and set the sigil of Amprodias in front of you. Point your athame or index finger forward, and while directing your energy through the tool, vibrate His Daemonic enn 7 times (must be vibrated, chanted in the E key): "Qodesh La Amprodias Geber Ha Sitra Ahra" (x7) Now the adept will claim: "By the darkened moon and the shadows' might, We call upon the powers of the night. Amprodias, hear our plea, Unlock the blood’s secret key." (x1) Vibrate one time in the key of E: "Satam Evra Lakay" (x1) Now the adept raises the consecrated chalice filled with red wine towards the moon or the central candle and recites: "This chalice holds the essence of the night, Red as the blood that grants us sight. Amprodias, infuse this wine, With your power, make it divine." (x1) Now through Amprodias´ sigil you will activate the powers by offering your blood to Him. The adept pricks their finger and allows a few drops of blood to fall onto the sigil. Say once: "By blood, this pact is sealed, Amprodias, our bond revealed. With this offering, I now seek, The power of the blood, dark and unique." (x1) Now, the adept takes the chalice and drinks deeply, visualizing the infusion of vampiric powers into their being. Meanwhile the acolytes chant softly and repeatedly the next conjuration (as many times as it´s required): "Blood of the vine, blood of the night, Grant the Adept immortal sight. By Amprodias’ will, by our decree, Let the vampiric powers now be free." (xX) Now, the adept will declare the power. After drinking, the adept raises their arms and declares: "By the blood and the moon’s dark light, I am reborn in the power of the night. Amprodias, I thank thee, For this gift of immortality." (x1) Be grateful to Amprodias, be grateful to yourself, for allowing you to do this. The ritual must be closed in the next manner, extinguish the candles one by one, each time saying: "The night is dark, the blood is strong, Our bond with Amprodias will last long." (x1) Claim again: "My will be done!" Scatter the remaining incense ashes over the sigil. The acolytes and the adept then leave the ritual space in silence, signifying the solemn completion of the ceremony. Aftercare: • Reflect on the experience, ensuring the energy from the ritual is grounded. • The adept should spend some time in meditation or quiet contemplation, allowing the newfound powers to settle. Note I: You may have dreams related to this work the night of the ritual or during the next few days. Note II: As with any daemonic summoning, it shouldn´t be in our power to demand how the daemon should appear. This highly depends on our magickal powers and also the will of the spirit. Therefore, Amprodias may appear as a vision, voice, human, animal, feeling, higher intuition etc. Note III: If you cannot relax and reach the suggested trance states and energies, you can repeat the ritual until you know how to do it and when you feel good about it. (Allowing yourself to express emotions confidently is an integral key to manifestation.) Note IV: The chalice, athame and other elements of this ritual must be consacrated previously. This ritual can be repeated every 3/6/9 months if it's convenient. You will refresh the magick of our work and invigorate Amprodias's energies. Amprodias Enns: 108 Repetitions Version: 1 Hour Version: 108 Repetitions Feminine Version: 1 Hour Feminine Version: DROP YOUR THOUGHTS ABOUT THIS ARTICLE BELOW ! WE WANT TO HEAR YOUR INTERPRETATIONS, EXPERIENCES & REFLECTIONS !Like
- Satania´s Booster RitualsLyilel´s Sexual Infernal Initiation Booster Ritual (Full Ritual): Ritual designed by: Master Falcifer. Ritual Goal: This ritual, easy, and powerful, is designed to confirm and maintain the multiple effects of the Satania´s ritual: "Ritual For The Sexual Infernal Initiation". You can find the ritual HERE: The Ritual For The Sexual Infernal Initiation (w/ Layilel) Who is Layilel?: Lyilel´s Sexual Infernal Initiation Booster Ritual (Full Ritual): Layilel is an extreme sexual teacher capable of transmuting the sexual energies of the practitioner in multiple ways, extending them to achieve Daemonic Ascension, physis, and gnosis. This is particularly relevant to the vast and pleasurable kingdom of the Qlipha of Gamaliel, The Obscene Ones, one of our favorite Infernal Stages, spheres, or realms. Preliminary Notes (Musts): • This ritual must be performed AFTER our ritual has been performed in order to obtain the full effects. • This ritual has to be performed on Friday or Saturday (not valid any other day of the week!). • The adept will face Northwest during the major part of the operation. • For this practice, the adept will draw Layilel's seal and name in the palm of their left hand with ink, and their own magickal name and seal (if known) in their right hand. This formula/order will organize the energies with Layilel coming as feminine energies and you as masculine energies. If you want the opposite interaction, just reverse the process. • Find a quiet room or chamber. Turn off all artificial lights and light one or more candles: Orange (best), Yellow, White; Black; Pink; Indigo; Red. are recommended. • You can add these stones on your altar or ritual space: Quartz; Carnelian. • You can add these material elements (on the altar, circle or chamber): Green Leaves; Wood that Was or Was Going to Be Used for a Fire; Tobacco. • Always have the sigil included in whatever ritual you decide to perform. Even if you´re using a Dark Mirror/Black Mirror (in this case we recommend to draw the seal in blood in the mirror). Even if the seal for this practice has been drawed in your left hand, another seal in the chamber is recommended. Optional Additions (Recommended but optional): • To create the best atmosphere, try to add appropiate ambiental music, ensure you have offerings such as wine, your blood while filling the air with the fragance of incense (Rose, Eucalyptus, Opium, Tobacco, Frankincense, Sandalwood or 3 Kings Resines). • For the candle you can etch Layilel’s seal on the candle beforehand. Introductory Practices: • Take a moment to relax, acclimatate to the room and connect with the purpose of this practice. • Cast the Infernal Circle (optional). • Perform the The Ritual Of Purification Of Satania. Practice: Face Northwest, point your Athame or index finger forward, and while directing your energy through the tool, vibrate Her Daemonic enn 7 times. (must be vibrated, chanted). "Demnath Layilel Osta" ( x7) Now chant 13 times Her forbidden Daemonic enn (This is an advanced chant and the energy that brings must be noticed). "Verbkan Mulassat Layilel Tsurz" (x13) Now say loud with clarity: "I invoke you, Goddess Layilel, into my sacred space to grant me the understanding of your Infernal Magick. Grant me your influence and communion, and bestow upon me the mysteries of Gamaliel. I confirm my will and love for your presence! Oh, Layilel! Infuse me with the greatest sexual pleasures. Nourish me with the joy of your sexual gifts. Make your sensual energy powerful within me, and make all around my presence erotic. Oh, Princess of Desire! I desire all your daemonic ecstasies! I vibrate with your presence and your delight; Your pulse is the pulse of my wildest delights. Ave Great Layilel!" Now, sit on the ground, inside your Infernal Circle, and with both palms of your hands facing upwards say: "In Nomine Adamas Ater, Aperiatur Acharayim, Et Germinet, Et Germinet Layilel" (x1) Now say 3 times: "Liftoach Pandemonium, Et Germinet Layilel" (x3) Now, in the case that you have an offering of red wine, pour an offering of red wine into the chalice and place it on the altar containing Layilel´s seal. Now place both hands in the chalice and say 3 times: "Duarag AeorVerbkan Mulassat Layilel Tsurz Ustus Mae" (x3) Consume the wine, leaving half for the altar. The wine must taste like blood, feel potent and energized. Say: "Invoco Layilel In Nomine Qliphoth" (x1) Now relax inside the Infernal Circle. The lotus pose or simply lying on the ground are the best options. Meditate for a moment, trying to go deep and relax all these energies. You should enter a semi-trance state. Gnosis and blessings will come in many forms. If you want or need to boost Her energies inside you repeat whispering or mentally Her Daemonic enn until the energies are obvious. ("Demnath Layilel Osta"). (xX) A suggested technique during this stage of the ritual is to -with closed eyes- meditate on Layilel’s Black Flame moving from the root chakra through the spine up to your Crown Chakra. Focus on the black flame’s piercing power in the Third Eye region until you see or feel enrgy/light and Layilel appears in Her desired form (very common to feel Her totally black eyes in the darkness of your insides). When you had enough, perform the Sacred Masturbation (Neemiorah), opening even more your enrgy centers to Her in the process, when the final orgasm arrives try to focus on Her and Her presence/energies, then anoint the seal with your sexual fluids (not on any of the seals on your hands, the other). (The seal does not need to be burned but should be kept in secret, as the portal of energies that it is.) Be grateful to Layilel, be grateful to yourself, to allow you to do this. Claim: "My will be done!" Douse the candles. Note I: You may have dreams related to this work the night of the ritual or during the next few days. Note II: As with any daemonic summoning, it shouldn´t be in our power to demand how the daemon should appear. This highly depends on our magickal powers and also the will of the spirit. Therefore, Layilel may appear as a vision, voice, human, animal, feeling, higher intuition etc. Note III: If you cannot relax and reach the suggested trance states and energies, you can repeat the ritual until you know how to do it and when you feel good about it. (Allowing yourself to express emotions confidently is an integral key to manifestation.) This ritual can be repeated every 3 months if it's convenient. You will refresh the magick of our work and invigorate Layilel's energies. Layilel Enns: 108 Repetitions Version: Layilel · Enn Meditation Chant (Also Limkallathaggandra, Limtorratharraggawl, Emmayluhgoth...) 1 Hour Version: Layilel · Enn Meditation Chant (Also Limkallathaggandra, Limtorratharraggawl...) 1 Hour 108 Repetitions Feminine Version: Layilel · Enn Meditation Chant (Also Limkallathaggandra, Limtorratharraggawl...) (Feminine Version) 1 Hour Feminine Version: Layilel · Enn Meditation Chant (Also Limkallathaggandra...) (Feminine Version) (1 Hour)Like