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Edited: Jul 17, 2024
Akasha House - Wampyr Clan (Public Info)
Akasha House - Wampyr Clan (Public Info)
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I want to be a vampire so fucking bad
I will sell my soul to the vampire and sarcrifice my first child with Sasha r thomas as a sarcrifice to the vampire in return for ,
Sasha thomas, Sharmila thomas sharlique Gibson masonta surtherland ,Karen veira,and nezieka haniff as my personal sex mate
20,new brand bmwxm label white 2025jeeps
Two new Bugatti Chiron 2023 make
Three large houses of my choice
Super man powers to imitate Clark Kent version of super man
32gold root kernal implants teeth
And twenty new brand Mercedes,Benz hard top convertible 2025 sport cars for my rental service
And five lots of flat land opposite coreas in diamond for building for my DGgaz rental, service
Signed by , desborne renwrick George
i am empressed and thankfull it is an honor and a pleasure to hear and meditate to these mantras very powerful I feel the vampiric vibrations it is spiritual this is true vampirism
I want to be vampire can you please help me.
Agree with you !! Even I stopped meditating, because I use brain extremely tough abyss, but after I realized it, I need study more so i have no teacher facility near me. So I almost started studying on internet and interacting to left path people, so in that process , I got one best vampire teacher who pick me, he give me little transformation and boost me, and apply code on me, I have already code from my dead father who is actually my first teacher, who gave me realization what and who am I. So all common and normal perspective of life has totally changed. It's not matter of logic or common sense according to, self definition and self awareness is just matter of realization. I have natural DNA by heritage , so that realization effect me fastly. Some people do meditation. And I do meditation just enhancing myself on higer scale. But it's tragedy , woman and romance has finished in my life. They attract to me temporary. And I am thankful you are reading me perfect. Now on that I am reading last chapter of my research. And I now I have conclusions what is the secret of all transformation. So hopefully once again I am going strart meditation soon with more polish mind. 🙏
Here is just one more strange change which I got in my 8 years, romance, and girls has been totally finished in my life, Girls just stay with me 3 or 4 days and she disconnect without giving proper reason of breaking. Even I always behave and talk honestly and with loyalty. Don't abuse and harm them. Even in my teen age I were very papular in girls even overage women. So my life has become too much boring. I think, this path slowly and smartly isolated me. I like isolation, but I always missing "Romantic sexuality of female ❤️🤒😭
I have gone through the article and I'm really interested. Could you please share with me the contact information to contact you?
Wow super ! I am feeling batter now, thank you for all temple leaders and Gods. I am feeling batter I can not described more in batter words vocabulary, accept my apology for it. but I am feeling extremely great. after long time, I got precious. And that website is really really meaningful for me, lot reading content, explanations. Thanks a lot. I know that "Satania " Temple hold me forever. and there is such no option for me to leave you all really. 😍😍😘😘😘😎
I sent details with little introduction of my real history. but I need guiednece, education, to regain my abilities, and energies. basically I am psychic vampire, but my choice become a full (secrets) vampire.
I have lost my power, I do not know reason, my abilities & energy disappeared. feeling tired every time. body mussels has become soft. growing fangs has stopped, its truth.
I do have a question: I see sexual side of vampirism but, what if you're asexual? Is it possible to undergo the ritual regardless of that?
@Necrossia There's a big difference between loneliness/isolation and solitude for spiritual growth and energy balancing.
I sent my email reading about the Akasha Wampyre Clan Membership, since I already have some scientifically unexplainable vampiric traits (i wrote in greater details in email).
I do feel isolated to an extreme degree too, as the modernity of our current era in this lifetime was never designed to allow average humans to evolve through the aide of serious occult practice. Instead, social media (although great tool to knowledge expansion and interacting with like-minded people), can easily be twisted to troll-driven meme's, often based on boredom, fear, and misunderstanding of the true ancient craft.
This has already created a disastrous effect on "Love & Light" new age oriented spiritual communities of extreme narcissism and delusional tendencies.
There is a real logic + ancient science to all of this and it must be done with integrity and perseverance as stated in S.W. Falcifer's recent youtube video about Deamonic Wisdom : Tantric Mantra for Contacting Goddesses.
I never belonged to this time period...I feel no passion or desire to remain locked in the shackles of modernity either. I've always been curious about becoming more than human even if it was dangerous or forbidden, whether to become a God or Demonic entity, in my case, lack of dedicated serious occult community and toxic family environment and living situations has made my own ascension process more difficult to pursue.
Regardless of delays and setbacks, I lived too long to just throw my occult interests and goals out the window and finding Satania was like a breath of fresh air, I was suffocating without for a long time...everything I wanted to know and practice was finally revealed with Youtube channel and Satania offical site.
There's nobody I could speak with or relate too locally about these controversial occult topics.
I intend to take this Vampire Soul Transformation Pack + Companion ritual very seriously. I would also be considering it as a spiritual "insurance policy" so I can make better usage of time to focus on my own dark evolutionary path.
I have the utmost gratitude to discover Satania. For Tantric-Vampirism, there is no better way to preserve our ego beyond death and forge our own dark ascension.
Infinite Blessings!
Ive been a luciferian since 2015 and coming across this is awesome. Hopefully I will be accepted and will have the chance to further my development. I think this is awesome! Thanks for all the work you do such as YouTube, etc.
Hey i want to join
What is the prime objective?
How do I join the private´s clan zone? (I´m a T. Vamp, member of A.V.C.)
Once the Devil´s Temple is build and operative, will you offer these Vampiric Transformations as part of the Iniciation?
Hail Lilith, Hail Lucifer, Hail Satan,
I am very interested in joining Akasha House and I am compelled to share my spiritual journey thus far with whomever wishes to read this.
My awakening started with confusion and the pain of growth. The widely accepted routine of life in America quickly became nothing more than a sham to me and I secretly quit my job without telling my wife. My goal was to build a business centered around storytelling and have it become profitable before anyone found out about my unemployment. This was a delusion. I lacked focus and proper planning. I failed miserably and my house of lies collapsed around me.
The problem was that I felt I had a greater potential. No amount of manual labor or infrastructure maintenance would sate my hunger to excelle. However, my initial attempt to excelle was built on lies. I don't think any endeavor built on lies can succeed for long. At least mine didn't.
I felt guilt and shame and I was ridiculed by members of my family and I almost lost my marriage. This period was DARK. It was the dark night of my soul, in fact. As the months went on I kept fighting and growing and managing my family unit became easier and my wife and I repaired our relationship.
I ended up getting a better job that suited my percieved path and the material structure of my life seemed to be in good enough order that I could continue my spiritual journey in ernest. I found Tarot and I used it to expand my perception.
Eventually I grew to a point where I felt I was at a fork in the road, so to speak. My options were between a bright pinprick of light and a tiny black flame. I chose the tiny black flame. (Keep in mind my current perception of reality is that light and dark are derrived from the same source, therfore they are the same. Choose light or dark, it does not matter. There is no wrong choice.)
Enter Lilith. At this point I was meditating along with practicing tarot and I felt my first really intense energy. I literally couldn't handle it. She delighted in this and told me she wanted to give me teeth. I agreed. (This was all communicated through meditation and contemplation. Sometimes a single phrase would enter mind and I would puzzle out the meaning and then use Tarot to confirm the interpretation.)
She began working with my sexual energy and helped me overcome my "simpering worshipper" tendencies. I will always be greatful to her for this. I also grew to see her as an energy source rather than a winged woman with black hair. She helped me overcome my 3D perception of the higher planes.
Later, I agreed to a partial possession and felt this incredible energy within me. I was used to contemplating with her at this point but it was still very intense. During the partial possession I came to understand that I was to meet the Lucifer energy. Enter Lucifer. I was silently writhing in my bed as I felt these two energies roiling within me. I came to understand that I was to serve them, not as a simpering worshipper, but as a sort of agent in the material world. I agreed.
Soon. I found the Satania youtube channel and was using the sigil and enns depicted to perform blood pacts. I find it super interesting that the Akasha House initiation requires two blood rituals. I performed precisely two. For Lilith, Lucifer and Bael.
I did not fully understand the context of the blood rituals when I performed them. However. I feel drawn to the "Human soul to incubus transformation" video and Akasha House.
Since my awakening I have felt incredibly lonely. I have been looking for my tribe, so to speak. I think Akasha House is it.
I have sent an email query already but I feel compelled to post my journey here. Thank you to anyone who takes the time to read it. My gift in this world is writing and I very much enjoy it.