I studied many books, religions, spirituality, and documentaries, and meditated on them through my abyssal mind. Now there is nothing left to read more or analyze everything about them. Now All concepts are cleared through efforts of 9 years. succubus, witches, Ghosts, Angeles, Gods, demons, left and right mythical folklore, and classic rituals available in every society and in every religion, It is earthly truth according to me.
My Faith and Belive has very strong and solid, there is no confusion in my mind. they exist and they are existing. I saw and talked to several many people even thousands of people who do not know Mantra and spirituality but interact with them incidentally and surprise without mantra or summoning.
But I am very disappointed I am eager and love them. I meditate them, but they did show their self on me. now I am in a challenging state of mind, I want them to hurt me touch me, and break my house windows and doors. because I studied and listen to them that Devil or Demonic entities are always ready to attack.
here is someone tell me !!! why they do not show their self to me? Even I can offer my blood to them.
I do not have fear, seriously I am ready to face them 200%, I know they can give me great damage and wound but I can still ready to talk to them.
so this is my problem, I have left my meditations because this is the reason and focus on studied to them.
Its been some time since the original post... Have you had any advances in connecting? Do you ever have any dreams? Reoccuring thoughts? Songs that always cause strong emotions? even repeated visions while daydreaming? I know you said youve tried everything but maybe something is being overlooked perhaps? Maybe they for whatever reason dont want to do harm or break windows although they know you crave it they may have reason for not connecting in that way. When I see them they come as shadows and then they project an image in my mind and I usually write or draw it. It could be location too, Ive noticed when I lived in Philadelphia I had way more experiences then NJ now this just could be because Philly is my place of birth so I was atuned to that freaquency.. Im not sure. I still experience but its different.
It was also explained to me in a dream that when crossing the dimesions it affects some of their forms and speach. Ive experienced them mess with electronics, there was only once that I had them break something... it was a table that I wanted to use for an alter and it was second hand so whatever energies it had I guess my guides did not like. Have they ever touched you at all like gentle touch? Sometimes they speak through a person that does not walk the path too, especialy those challanged with mental illnesses. Ive had homeless mentally challanged people come up and tell me shit that was out of the blue but on track with what I needed to know. Ive even had them speak through children not possession but like Ill have a question in my mind and a child will come up give me an answer to things I havnt even spoken outloud. I know everyone has an opinion on ouija boards but have you tried? When I used the board I was with friends no drugs or drinking involved. I experienced being touched and felt while using it yet my friend woke up with bruises the following day. When we used it I saw the walls actual move like they were breathing, like I said no drugs involved. We didnt call on any particular entity but what came through was knowegable. Its been some years since that happened so i dont recall some details all I know is I could feel a presence standing on my right side and it rubbed my back the whole time I was using the boad even when I wasnt touching the planchette. When I got home (was living with my mother at that time) she greeted me at the door asking what I had been up too, I looked at her wide eyed and asked what do you mean. She told me the power failed at the house and she could feel the energy shift ... it was at the same exact time I had used the board. I didnt tell her till sometime later. Have you noticed any animals around you acting strange, my dog use to pick up on the entities. I went out to walk my dog and usually Il'l let him off the lead to roam and he would run over to the park. This one night I let him off and he just stood there at the opening to the park. I was a about 12 ft away it was at night and i said go and he still just stood there looking into the park. So i walk up closer to him and I can see all the hair standing up on his back and he was letting out a very low growl .. as I looked up i saw large shadows diving in and out of the ground like the best way to discribe them was like shadow wolves of black fire they moved quickly darting in and out. Another experience - I had come home from school and I went to my room which was in the basement of my moms house at the time. It was a finished basement and my mom has like OCD when it comes to a clean house. I walked into a swarm of flies like it wasnt just 20 it was so many they were like dark clouds. This was after a dedication ritual I had did a couple nights before. My mom nearly lost her shit, she turned to me and hissed in anger whatever you are doing you better stop while your in my house. that night while i was a friends house I came home to her standing outside burning all my damn books. She being a christian thought that would stop shit but it didnt. Anyway ...Ive got stories for days but maybe you have a blockage?