This Forum section lists different rituals designed to confirm, boost and maintain the Magick performed by Satania (The Coven) to their clients.
This is an afterwards-information for clients and some practices listed here -not all- can be dangerous if they are performed without our previous rituals and operations. Proceed at your own risk. We do not take any responsability if you decide to conjure demons who do not have any previous alliance or agreement with you (or any other possible problem caused by the non-existing initial operation).
On the other hand, the pratitioners who have been guided to perform these operations by our witches, they do not have and won´t have any problem with these. The path is opened for them, and the demons have been previously contacted, informed and connected with them properly.
Here are different "Practitioner’s Confirming & Booster Rituals" to be performed after Satania´s coven Magick proceedings, usually they can be more intense right after our witches´ work. That´s why these rituals are highly recommened to be performed as soon as possible, right after our rituals have been performed if it´s possible, or during the next 7 days, and then to maintain the influence and power of the Magick is highly recommened that they will be performed again in cycles of 3 months, as long as you consider appropiate, lifetime if you want.