Ammon Demon Seal

Rank: Marquis; Specialties: Love, Future; Tarot Card: 5 of Pentacles; Candle Color: Violet; Incense: Jasmine; Planet: Moon; Metal: Silver; Opening hours: From 3 pm to 9 pm and from there until dawn; Zodiac Position: 0-4 degrees of Taurus • April 20-24; Great Ruler: Ziminar (Paymon); Water element; Direction: West; Enn/mantra: Ah-vah-jay she-core Ah-mun neh-nah-en; Enn pronunciation: Avage Secore Amon ninan;
😈(DEMONOLOGY DICTIONARY)😈 Aamon: (Egyptian) one of the three demons in the service of Satanaquia and commander of the first legion of hell. He is the supreme deity of the Egyptians. demon that if presents with wolf's head, serpent's tail, always remitting fire.

It will show all things past, present and future. He reconciles friendships, romantic relationships and any other type of relationship between people. His specialty is healing grievances. Amon is also a divinatory spirit that can align the conscious mind with the unconscious (the True Will). Amon is widely used in spiritual works and reconciliation magic, whether love, professional or friendship. Amon is a Marquis of great potency, a demon of the day. He can appear as a wolf with a serpent's tail, spewing flames of fire; but at the magician's command he takes the form of a man with canine features and the head of a crow; and also as a man with a raven's or an owl's head. He rules over 40 legions of spirits. "AMON" is the Egyptian GOD AMON RA aka Merodach and the Babylonian God "Marduk". Some demonologists have their name associated with the Egyptian god Amun or with the god Ba'al Hammon of Carthage.
Author of the post: Robson Belli Facebook: Email: Website:

🕯️From “Demonology” (September 2003):🕯️ Based on a manuscript copy of the Goetia, Reginald Scot records of this Demon: “Amon, or Aamon, is a great and mighty marquis, and comes abroad like a wool, having a serpent's tail, spitting and breathing flames of fire; when he takes the form of a man, he shows dog teeth and a large head resembling a mighty crow; he is the strongest prince of all others, and understands all things past and future, he obtains favors and reconciles both enemies and free, and rules forty legions of divinities.” Collin de Plancy took the artistic liberty of compressing the two forms of Amon into one. He should have been represented as a fire-breathing wolf with a snake in its tail, or as a raven-headed man who had fangs in his beak. Demons generally appear in two primary forms, the first of which is more savage and frightening, but the second, human with only a few bestial traits. It is up to the mage to order the summoned Demon to put on his human guise so that communication with him can be made more easily and with less risk of injury. You can see this double appearance of Demons in the two images of Demon Camio.
🕯️From “The Goetia: The Lesser Key of Solomon the King” (1904) Written by SL MacGregor Mathers:🕯️ The Seventh Spirit is Amon. He is a marquis great in power and very severe. He appears as a Serpent-tailed Wolf, spewing flames of fire from his mouth; but by order of the Wizard he assumes the form of a Man with Dog's teeth set in front like a Raven; or else as a raven-headed man (simply). He counts all things Past and Coming. He provokes strife and reconciles disputes between friends. He rules 40 Legions of Spirits. His seal is this which is to be used as mentioned, &c.
🕯️From the “Encyclopedia of Demons in World Religions and Cultures”, written by Theresa Bane:🕯️ Variations: AMAIMON, AMAYMON, AMMON, Amon, AMOYMON Aamon, Great MARQUES OF HELL, is the Demon of life and reproduction. He is described as having the head of a serpent and the body of a wolf (and vice versa), as well as the head of a crow with fangs set into the body of a man. According to Christian Demonology, he is believed to be most powerful during the day and has the ability to project flames from his mouth. Aamon is summoned for his knowledge of the past and his ability to predict the future. He also has the ability to reconcile friends turned enemies, as well as being able to guarantee the love of another to the one who has summoned him. He is in direct service under the Demon Satanachia. Aamon commands forty infernal legions and is one of the four personal ASSISTANTS TO ASHTAROTH (see ASHTAROTH). The seventh spirit mentioned in the Goetia, he is also part of Christian Demonology, as he is mentioned in the Grimoire of Pope Honorius. Demonologists often associate him with both the Egyptian god Amon and the Carthaginian god Ba'al Hammon.
🕯️From the “Pseudomonarchia Daemonum” (1583) Written by Johann Weyer (Johann Wier)🕯️ Amon, or Aamon, is a great and mighty marquis, and comes abroad like a wool, having a serpent's tail, [spewing] flames of fire; when he assumes the form of a man, he shows dog teeth and a big head like a mighty [night hawk]; he is the strongest prince of all others, and understands all things past and future, he obtains favors and reconciles both foes and free, and rules forty legions of devils.
🕯️From the “Dictionnaire Infernal” (1863 edition) Written by Jacques Auguste Simon Collin de Plancy:🕯️ Amon, who commands forty legions, can appear in the form of a wolf with a serpent's tail and spewing flames. In human form, he has the head of an owl and his beak shows canine teeth. He was the supreme deity of the Egyptians, who had blue skin in human form. Amon can tell about the past and the future and reconcile differences between friends.

ANALYSIS The Daemon Amon bears great similarity to the Egyptian Amon, for its general character of royalty, related to granting lands, and of an all-seeing deity, knowing the past and the future. However, his appearance in traditional grimoires is quite different from the manifestations of the god, who can take the form of a ram, rarely appearing as a goose, or even as a hawk, in his Amun-Ra form. In this case, the association with Baal-Hammon is also pertinent, since he can be represented as an elder with rams' horns. The ability to bestow Earths allows both the manifestation of works on the physical plane (mainly those connected with agriculture or architecture) and command over a society or population, both being aspects of Amun and Ra, and also of the planets Earth and Jupiter, respectively. The Sun, representing its royal aspect, is indirectly present in its manifestation due to the flames that come out of its mouth. The Angel Achaiah, related to the daemon Amon, represents the patient and merciful God, and rules the secrets of nature, also helping to achieve great deeds. These characteristics are in agreement with the attributes of Amun, since the Lands (of Upper and Lower Egypt, in the case of the god) were used to build temples, cities and plantations. The reconciliation of friendships brought about by the daemon Amon is another attribute directly linked to Achaiah's mercy and forgiveness, in the figure of the Patient God.

ABSTRACT NUMBER: 7; NAME: Ammon; OTHER NAMES; Amun, Amun, Amun-Ra; ELEMENTS: Territories, Love, Friendship Spells; MEANING: Agru, “hired man”; HIERARCHY: Marquis; LEGIONS: 40; APPEARANCE: A serpent-tailed wolf, spewing flames of fire; POWERS: Grant land, show past and future, reconcile friendships; ISOPSEFIA: In modern language, 1+30+50+40=121=4; TAROT: 8 of Swords; ASTROLOGY: Moon in Taurus; DECANATE: 0°-10° Gemini (day); MUL.APIN SIPA.Zl.AN.NA / Aries ANGEL: Achaiah; ENTITY: Amun-Ra (Egyptian god); OTHERS: Ammon, Ra, Hammon;