Other names: Leraye, Leraie; Rank: Marquis; Specialties: Love, Military; Tarot Card: 6 of Wands; Candle Color: Violet; Incense: Jasmine; Planet: Moon; Metal: Silver; Opening hours: From 3 pm to 9 pm and from there until dawn; Zodiac Position: 5-9 degrees of Gemini • May 26-31; Great Ruler: Goap (Amaymon); Fire element; Direction: South; Enn/mantra: Kay-men veh-fa Ler-ah-jay; Enn pronunciation: Caymen vefa Leraje;

Leraje disputes causes and battles and can cause injuries, infections (physical and emotional) and prevent them from healing. It can break up your rivals' relationships or marriages. Leraje is very useful in spiritual works of removing rivals, whatever they may be, and also in directing desired goals and making them a reality. For example, you can cast Leraje to get a very specific goal eg. job, travel, some item, etc. Leraje is a marquis who rules over 30 Legions of spirits and is familiar with weapons, armies and martial skills. He appears as a green archer and sometimes with some old military uniform. In the initiatory sense Lerajae is very useful in directing the desired goals and making them a reality.
🕯️From “The Goetia: The Lesser Key of Solomon the King” (1904) Written by SL MacGregor Mathers:🕯️ LERAJE, or LERAIKKA. – The Fourteenth Spirit is called Leraje (or Leraie). He is a Marquis Great in Power, showing himself in the likeness of an Archer dressed in Green, and carrying a Bow and Quiver. He causes all great battles and competitions; and it makes wounds to fester that are made with arrows by archers. This belongs to Sagittarius. He rules 30 Legions of Spirits.
🕯️From the “Pseudomonarchia Daemonum” (1583) Written by Johann Weyer (Johann Wier):🕯️ Leraie [Loray], alias Oray, a great marquis, showing himself in the likeness of a gallant [handsome] archer, carrying a bow and a quiver, he is the author of all battles, he rots all wounds made with arrows by archers, Quos optimos objicit tribus diebus, [who better drives away the mobs of days (?)] and he has a regiment of thirty legions.
🕯️From the “Dictionnaire Infernal” (1863 edition) Written by Jacques Auguste Simon Collin de Plancy:🕯️ Original Text : Oray ou Loray, grand marquis des nurses, qui se montre sous là forme d'un superbe archer portant un arc et des flèches; il anime les combats, empire les blessures faites par les archers, lance les javelines les plus meurtrières. Trente legionsle recognition for dominator and souverain.
🕯️Leraie:🕯️ The fourteenth demon of the Goetia. The name of this demon appears in several ways, depending on the source consulted. In the Pseudomonarchia Daemonum of Wierus, his name is given as Loray. The same text suggests that he is sometimes also known as Oray. In Scot's Discoverie of Witchcraft, this demon's name is spelled Leraie, which is curious considering that Scot was only translating Wierus' Pseudomonarchia. In Dr. Rudd's Goetia, the name is given as Leraic, while in other manuscripts attributed to Dr. Rudd (including the Treatise on Angel Magic) it is variously spelled Leraje and Leraye and Leraiel. By the time it comes to Steve Savedow's Goetic Evocation, the name is spelled Leriakhe. Despite the confusion in the spelling of its name, almost all sources agree that this demon appears in the form of an archer, complete with a bow and a quiver full of arrows. He is a martial demon with the power to rot all wounds made by arrows. He is also said to instigate battles. He holds the rank of marquis and has a regiment of thirty legions at his command. In Dr. Rudd's Goetia, he is called Leraic, and is constrained by the angel Mebahel.
⭐⭐⭐ANALYSIS⭐⭐⭐ Leraje's symbology is related to several myths about poisoned arrows causing wounds that do not heal. One of the best known is that of Hercules, who shot arrows to protect himself from a group of centaurs intoxicated by the smell of wine. The arrow hit Chiron, who was immortal but went to live in a cave after the wound. The symbology of Robin Hood as an archer who sought to regulate overly greedy men also has a certain relationship with such myths. “May the LORD be a strength for the oppressed, a strength in times of trouble.” This is the Psalm of the angel Mebahel, who has correspondence with the daemon Leraje. This angel has a regiment over battles and conflicts (like Leraje), and can appease them. It also protects the magician from injustice, and in times of distress. The letter Tet has several meanings related to Leraje. Its most direct meaning is that of Cobra (in the aspect of the wound that does not heal), but it is also related to Strength and Justice (balance and conflict resolution) in later associations with the Major Arcana of the Tarot. The very evolution of the letter, from a hieroglyph representing “good”, and later a wheel, can be satisfactorily associated with the daemon.
✡️✡️✡️ABSTRACT✡️✡️✡️ NUMBER: 14; NAME: Leraje; OTHER NAMES: Leraie, Leraic, Leraikha, Loray; ELEMENTS: Battles; MEANING: Le Raider, “the hunter”; Lejre, “camp”; HIERARCHY: Marquis; LEGIONS: 30; APPEARANCE: An archer dressed in green, with a bow and quiver; POWERS: Influence battles, cause or heal wounds; ISOPSEFIA: In modern language, 20+5+80+1+600+5=711=9 TAROT: 6 of Wands; ASTROLOGY: Moon in Gemini; DECANATE: 10th-20th Leo (day) MUL.APIN d.Shargaz / nSco ANGEL: Mebahel; ENTITY: Hercules and Chiron; OTHERS: Robin Hood, Hydra of Lerna (whose blood causes wounds that do not heal);
🕯️🕯️🕯️🕯️🕯️Salve LERAJE