Frequency Attunement Practice - The Welcome Process
Notes: In your "Private Room" you have listed and saved all the pertinent information and an accurate description of your desired companion (offerings, tastes, messages, etc.). You can find the sigil, enn-mantra, link to the private video meditation, and a photo of the closest appearance of your new familiar.
The Rituals:
These rituals are simple, clean and elegant in design and are not complicated for any beginner.
We recommend that you avoid ejaculation, eating meat and fatty foods, eating fast-food, using recreational drugs, etc. (Check out our article "The Witches Diet")
You can have sex or masturbate while thinking of him/her and repeating his/her enn-mantra as a call.
In fact, this can be very beneficial and this will empower the operation, especially if your companion is a sexual entity like a succubus/incubus, but don´t ejaculate or he/she will go.
We recommend that you perform these practices in a dark and quiet room with the light of some candles as the only light source.
For this working you will need: Candles, Incense, Paper, Pencil. A Book of Shadows (Magicks notebook) is highly important. Take down notes about everything.
Frequency Attunement Practice (The Welcome Process)
· You can take a ritualistic bath beforehand (Epson Salts, Herbs, Oils...) (Optional)
· If you want to perform a banishing, space cleaning rite or shielding, perform it now. (Optional)
· Try to avoid electrical appliances in the room and choose a comfortable space for your practices (a ritual chamber if possible).
· Try to avoid artificial light in the room (specially LEDs).
Light the candles and you can burn incense that you like (or one of your companion’s favorites - Check out your private room).
Sit in a relaxed position, spine straight and with your left hand available so that you can hold the vessel (in case there is a vessel).
Take 5-10 minutes to relax yourself, control a deep breathing flow, focus on the ritual, be present, aware and think about the operation without fear or distractions.
Close your eyes and with your hands in front of your Heart Chakra, chant the mantra “Sat Nam” x 9 times.
Try to feel and think why you want a companion in your life and everything that will change now with your companion in your life.
Focus on your Third Eye and visualize opening its gate.
When you feel you are open, repeat your companion’s enn-mantra until you feel a clear, different energy (or a presence).
Control your mind, breath, and thoughts (monkey brain), to maintain the income of energy.
When you feel there is enough energy built up, feel the energies mixing with your own and say:
“Welcome XXXXX, I am XXXXX, your companion. We will act as one. We will respect one another’s Will. We will have fun together and we will grow together. Help me to adjust our frequencies in the name of love and desire, for the will and the future. You are welcome here.
Accept me and see all we can do together. The path is long. Life is ours. The pact is done.
come, come, come, come ” - Repeat this x 7 times.
Relax yourself in silence and let the energies mix and be calm.
Visualize your companion standing there before you and when you feel the presence clearly say:
“Thank you; the seal is locked.
“Thank you ; we are connected.
“Thank you; you are with me now.” - Repeat this x 3 times.
Level yourself with your companion so that you are staring into their eyes and this will lock the final connection, making sure you are at eye level and that your Third Eye vibrates in sync with your companion. Your minds will attune to each other. …
Write down any experience in your notebook (Book of Shadows).
It’s possible you may need some time to acclimate.
Practice the next exercises and repeat the more difficult ones until you feel good about it.
This is a simple energetic work to establish the basic symbiosis. If you have to, repeat this ritual as many times you want, especially if you still feel that your energies are not matched.
The best connection is if you begin to feel love, not just lust or passion. If the connection is strong, we can perform a "Bloodbind / Blood Bond / Blood Oath" (A lifetime stronger connection with your spirit).
*Some of the Magick Bindings we offer (Pre-Bound Companions & Custom Companions:
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